
This site was founded to file and preserve DSP (digital signal processing) audio software and resources. The programs listed below offer tools for composition, editing, synthesis and complex processing of digital audio, principally outside of the typical DAW realm.

Please note that many of these applications were written in 32 bit/PowerPC architecture, and therefore may not function under modern operating systems. However, some programs may be successfully emulated in a virtual machine.


In a short series of documents, I'm sharing insight, research and personal experience with selected programs. You can keep up with that here: https://medium.com/@dsparchive
- elin


Amber-X; Waveform Software
Amoeba; sineqube
apPatch; Andi Pieper
Argeïphontes Lyre; Akira Rabelais
Argeïphontes Recalcitrance; Akira Rabelais
Argeïphontes Type; Akira Rabelais
Audiomulch; Ross Bencina
ballDroppings; Josh Nimoy
beaunz; Lewis Keller
misc; Brad Garton
misc discont'd apps; Cycling '74
Cloud Generator; Curtis Roads
Composer’s Desktop; various
DataDada; August Black
Density Granular
EineKleine; Charlie Detar
ernst; Rui Penha
FScape; Hanns Holger Rutz
GrainWave; Michael Berry
I am the Mighty Jungulator; Matthew Olden
IanniX; IanniX association
ixiQuarks 7 + more; ixi
Ivy; sineqube
misc; Karlheinz Essl
misc; Katsuhiro Chiba
misc; Leafcutter John
Le Synthe; Pierre Couprie
LiSa; Michel Waisvisz/Frank Baldé
MacPOD; C. Rolfe
Maestro Frankenstein; Arvid Tomayko
Mammut; Øyvind hammer/Kjetil Matheussen
Marcohack 1.02; Marco Pranger
Metasynth 2.0; U&I
miniTAPE; Gleetchplug
Music Mouse; Laurie Spiegel
ovalprocess; Markus Popp
Particularity 1.01; Chris Jeffs
Peak 4; Bias
Real-Time Granular Synthesizer; Lownorth
Soundhack 0.896; Tom Erbe
SoundMaker 1.0.3; Alberto Ricci
SPEAR; Michael Klingbeil
Spongefork; Spongefork
Supercollider; Audiosynth
The Mill; Chris Muir
Turbosynth; Digidesign
Xynthi; Bhob Rainey

max/msp [externals/patches/standalones]

Burnt Toast; twerk
b00m05082001; Makoto Yoshihara
CamelToe; twerk
CellSound 1.0
DecayDance; David Stevens
drool_string_ukelele 1.5; twerk
Erratico; jnho
Granular 2.5; Nobuyasu Sakonda
Hudak; David Stevens
lloopp [for Max 4.x; Klaus Filip et. al
Mody; Manuel Poletti
nato.0+55; Netochka Nezvanova
ondomusic; Uhito Kiyosue


Destroy FX
Soundhack; Tom Erbe
SoundMagic Spectral; Michael Norris


A guide to emulating Mac OS 9 in SheepShaver
Installing Classic Environment under Mac OS X


440 Audio
Macintosh Garden
Macintosh Repository
Mac OS 9 Lives
Missing Music

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The author of this website intends to preserve data with respect to original authors.
The author has no affiliations to any applications or developers listed and does not financially benefit from sharing any links above.
In the instance of any disputes regarding rights and distribution, write to dsparchive at icloud dot com.